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What is Lifestyle Coaching?

Lifestyle coaching is about more than just hitting a number on the scale; it's a comprehensive approach to improving your overall well-being. It's about understanding your unique needs, setting realistic goals, and making sustainable changes that fit into your busy life. Whether you're navigating the challenges of motherhood or simply managing a packed schedule, lifestyle coaching helps you create a balanced, healthy life that aligns with your values and priorities.

Program Focus: Habit Hacking and Realistic Changes

Habit Hacking

 My coaching focuses on breaking down and rebuilding habits to support a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle. We'll identify the small, actionable steps you can take daily to create lasting change. This isn't about quick fixes but rather about developing habits that become second nature.

Realistic Changes

 We work together to implement changes that seamlessly fit into your life. Whether it's finding time for a quick workout, making healthier meal choices, or managing stress, the strategies we develop will be practical and manageable.

Multifaceted Approach

 True health isn't just about diet or exercise; it's about a holistic approach that includes:

  • Eating: Learning how to nourish your body with balanced, satisfying meals without strict dieting or deprivation.

  • Movement: Incorporating physical activity in a way that feels good and fits into your daily routine.

  • Stress Management: Developing techniques to handle life's challenges without turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

  • Sleep: Prioritizing quality rest to recharge and rejuvenate.

  • Mindset: Shifting your perspective to a positive, growth-oriented outlook, breaking free from the all-or-nothing mentality.

Work With Me

What I Don’t Do

 I don’t believe in calorie counting, quick fixes, fad diets, or cookie-cutter meal plans. My approach goes beyond these methods to focus on sustainable, long-term changes. We're not just aiming for weight loss; we're creating a lifestyle that brings out the best version of yourself. This means addressing all aspects of wellness to help you feel your best, whether you're aiming for more energy, greater confidence, or a better relationship with your body.

Individualized approach

 Whether you want to feel more energized, confident in your clothes, or comfortable with your healthy habits, we'll work together to break the cycle of restrictive dieting and build new, empowering routines. This isn't about perfection but about progress and making choices that align with your values and goals. Together, we'll shift away from the all-or-nothing diet culture mentality and towards a balanced, sustainable approach to health and wellness.

Your Role in This Journey

 As much as I want to see every client achieve the results they desire, I can't do the work for you. I'm here to guide and support you, cheer you on when it gets tough, and celebrate the small successes along the way. But ultimately, the changes come from your commitment and effort. Together, we can create lasting changes, but it's a partnership where your active participation is key.

How I Support You

If you looking to make lasting changes in your lifestyle, beyond just your workouts, My Lifestyle Coaching Add-On is designed for clients who want extra accountability, guidance, and support to improve their overall well-being. This program can be added to your personal training package or home training program and is perfect for those who are serious about transforming their habits and achieving sustainable results.

What’s Included

Weekly 30 Minute Call
or Visit

We'll meet once a week for a 30-minute session, either in person or via call, to discuss your progress, address challenges, and plan your next steps.


 Stay on track with a shared document tailored to your needs and goals. We’ll use this tool to monitor your progress, set goals, and make necessary adjustments.


You’ll have direct access to me for any questions or support you need throughout your journey. Whether you're facing a roadblock or need advice, I'm here to help.


$150/month (minimum of 3 months)

This add-on provides the extra push you need to change your lifestyle for the better and see lasting improvements in your health and wellness.

You can achieve your health and wellness goals, build lasting habits, and feel empowered in your journey.

I can't wait to work with you!

Application Process

Due to the high level of commitment and personalized attention involved, this program is available by application only.

Spots are limited, as I want to ensure that each client receives the support and guidance they need to achieve their goals.


To be considered for enrollment, please complete a short questionnaire. This helps me understand your readiness for the program and ensure we're a good fit to work together.

Apply Here

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